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8 Tips on How to Deal with Negative Gossip: According to Memes from The Simpsons!

Updated: Jun 11, 2020

The internet defines Gossip as "casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true".

The truth is that everybody gossips, yes EVERYBODY.

In fact, over 60% of adult conversations involve some form of gossip.

There is a reason for this, and it’s because gossip and rumors are the most effective form of communication.

They are so effective because gossip appeals to our human need to be in the loop.

It makes everyone feel like they are in on something, and creates a bond.

In an age of social media, everyone is a broadcaster of information, that this only makes it easier to spread gossip.

So we have found a few tips for people when it comes to dealing this negative gossip.

And what better way to show them than with gifs from The Simpsons.

Tip 1: Regulate your Negative Emotions

There is only so much you can do about the situations you face, but there is a lot you can do about how you respond to them.

Many people initially respond with feelings of horror, anger, anxiety, or even helplessness when confronted with negative gossip about themselves.

Taking a moment to step back from these situations and simply label your emotions can be very helpful.

Tip 2: Expand your Perspective

Because these kinds of situations seem unfair, you feel powerless and can lose sight of the big picture.

This is when you need to step back and ask yourself:

“What does success means to you in that moment?”

Does it mean winning?

Or does it mean regaining that feeling confidence?”

Tip 3: Practice Self-Compassion

During those difficult moments, you can feel like you’re in a dark place and there’s no way out, but cultivating forgiveness and compassion can actually be highly effective.

Research supports the idea that when you forgive someone, the person who benefits most is you.

Forgiveness can help you move on, improve your mental health and sense of well-being.

Tip 4: De-identify from the Situation

Recognize that the situation is not necessarily a reflection of you.

People lash out, gossip, and snipe at others to protect their fragile selves.

They tear you down to make themselves look slightly better by comparison.

Does this mean that everyone else talking about the rumor feel that way?

No, they are usually just misinformed and don’t bother fact checking the issue.

Tip 5: Consider how to Respond

If you honestly explain your perspective, and the personal pain that the gossip is causing you perhaps you can change that person's perspective.

Here again it is important to de-identify from the situation and regulate your emotions.

You will want to speak to them after you’ve cooled down and gathered yourself.

Tip 6: Give it Time

Remember that time is on your side.

You have a reputation with your friends.

One inconsistency could be harmful as first, but in the long term will be forgotten as many rumors are.

Tip 7: Focus on What’s Going Right

We know that the mind clings to the negative, but research also shows us that every day more positive things happen to us than negative things.

At any given time, many things are going right in our lives.

Spending time feeling grateful for what else is going right in your life will help you weather the rest.

Tip 8: Remember that you are Not Alone

The most challenging aspect of going through a difficult experience is the sense of being alone in it.

Knowing that someone is on your side or that a friend has gone through what you are going through can be incredibly helpful.

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