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Frequently Asked Questions
Below you will find answers to some of our most commonly asked questions.
Please call us at 800-550-0447 for more information related to any of these topics.

General Questions

What is domestic violence?

What is sexual violence?

I'm worried someone I love is experiencing abuse, can someone from HAVEN talk to them? HAVEN strives to work with survivors on their terms. Advocates are here to work with survivors during every stage of their healing journey - this includes survivors who aren't ready to leave, yet. We can help identify signs of abuse, discuss options/resources, lend a listening ear, and help create safety plans with survivors who wish to meet with an advocate. HAVEN's services are empowerment based and voluntary. We will provide services to support survivors when they wish to receive our services.

PFA/SVPO Questions

What is a PFA? A Protection From Abuse order (PFA) is a court order that protects a survivor from further abuse, harm, stalking, and harassment from their abuser. PFAs can also prohibit abusers from having contact with the survivor. To file a PFA, there must be a qualifying relationship between the Plaintiff (survivor) and Defendant (abuser) such as current/former spouse, current/former intimate partner, blood relative, family member related by marriage or household member. The purpose of a PFA is to protect survivors and their children from the threat of imminent danger. Survivors experiencing physical violence (ex: hitting/slapping, pushing/shoving, spitting, kicking etc.) as well as threats of physical violence (ex: threats to harm, kill, abuse, etc.) may qualify for a PFA.

What is an SVPO? A Sexual Violence Protection order (SVPO) is a court order that protects a survivor from further abuse, harm, stalking, and harassment from their abuser. Similar in many ways to a Protection From Abuse Order (PFA), the key difference lies in the relationship between the abuser and the victim. While PFAs require an intimate or household relationship between the two parties, a SVPO does not and is available to victims of sexual violence who are at continued risk of harm from their perpetrator.

How can I get a PFA/SVPO? HAVEN staff can assist survivors with filing for PFAs/SVPOs in-office, after a full intake with an advocate and a consultation with HAVEN's staff attorney. HAVEN does not issue PFAs/SVPOs - these orders are granted by the Court's descretion after a hearing at the Tioga County Courthouse in Wellsboro. The intake/PFA process takes several hours to complete. Although it is not required, it is helpful to call ahead and make an appointment to speak with an advocate about a PFA.

Can I get a PFA/SVPO during a weekend/holiday when the court is closed? Emergency PFAs are available for situations that cannot wait until the next business day. The Emergency PFA process is handled through the on-call judge. Survivors can call 911 and ask to speak to the on-call judge about an Emergency PFA. Emergency PFAs are short-term orders that typically expire at the end of the next business day that the Common Pleas Judge deems themself available. It is very important for the survivor to follow up with HAVEN via our emergency hotline (800-550-0447) if they wish to have HAVEN assist with the temporary/final PFA process. Survivors are encouraged to call HAVEN ASAP after they speak with the on-call judge, and make a plan to come to HAVEN's office for an intake the morning of the next business day. The intake/PFA process takes several hours to complete. Although it is not required, it is helpful to call ahead and make an appointment to speak with an advocate about a PFA.

Do I have to go through HAVEN to get a PFA/SVPO? No. Everyone has a right to file for a PFA/SVPO, regardless of if they're a HAVEN client or not. There are several reasons why survivors may choose to file a PFA/SVPO without HAVEN support, and that is okay. Survivors can choose to file through HAVEN, a private attorney, or on behalf of themself/pro se through the court administrator's office. We encourage all survivors to reach out to HAVEN if they have questions about PFAs/SVPOs, however it is not a requirement to go through our office.

Divorce/Custody Questions

Can HAVEN help me file for divorce or custody? HAVEN has an attorney on staff who is available to provide legal advice about issues around domestic violence or sexual assault. All referrals to the attorney require a full intake with an advocate, first. While our staff attorney can give survivors legal advice and guidance, we do not handle CYS, custody, or divorce cases.

Will getting a PFA help me with my custody or divorce case? The purpose of a PFA is to protect survivors from the threat of imminent danger, and PFAs should never be filed with the intention of swaying a court one way or another.

Emergency Housing Questions

Does HAVEN have transitional housing? No. HAVEN offers temporary/short-term, emergency shelter for survivors fleeing abusive and violent circumstances. Advocates work with survivors to create a relocation plan which may include housing applications and/or rapid rehousing referrals. Due to limited space and availability, HAVEN does not provide long-term/transitional housing.

What happens if HAVEN's shelter is full? If HAVEN does not have shelter availability, advocates can provide information for other housing resources to those seeking shelter/housing.

HAVEN Offices:

Main Office:

48 East Avenue

Wellsboro, PA 16901


Main Office Hours:

Monday-Friday 8:30am-4pm​

MU Office: 

104 Alumni Hall

Commonwealth U @ Mansfield


MU Office Hours:

Tuesdays 8:30am-3:00pm during Fall and Spring semesters and year-round upon request

Hotline: 1-800-550-0447

Bus: (570) 724-3549
Fax: (570) 724-1361


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© 2024 HAVEN of Tioga County

HAVEN is a 501c3, non-profit organization.

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