Home for HAVEN
Mortgage Payoff Campaign
In November 2024, HAVEN celebrated it's 40th anniversary of operation. We launched a campaign seeking the community's support to achieve a significant financial goal: paying off the loan for our permanent facility. By eliminating this financial burden, HAVEN is now able to reinvest funds directly into our life-saving programs and services, further benefiting survivors in Tioga County.
The loan was taken to secure a safe and permanent location for those seeking refuge, but we now face challenges in meeting this obligation while we continue to expand our services. We received contributions from individuals, businesses, and organizations to achieve our goal. Each donation has made a direct impact on the lives of those escaping violence and abuse.
Now that the loan is paid off, HAVEN will direct funds toward ensuring residents have access to basic needs such as food, hygiene products, bedding, and clothing as well as ongoing maintenance, safety improvements, and general upkeep of our facility. The funds raised from this campaign have not only paid off the loan, but will also create lasting positive change for survivors in Tioga County.
Together, we can create a safer and more supportive community for everyone.